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Pericol de incendiu pentru Renault ZOE si pericol de accident pentru Renault Megane IV

In ultimele ore presa din Franta anunta ca Renault trebuie sa recheme in service zeci de mii de modele ZOE si Megane.

Masina electrica ZOE II are probleme cu bateria BT4 XLR care poate avea un scurt circuit care duce la explozia sa, adica la pierderea totala a masinii.

zoe II pericol incendiu, autolatest, megane IV probleme, zoe baterie pret

Acest acumulator este construit in Franta la Flins conform APF. ” Due to a manufacturing problem, a short circuit may occur in the high voltage battery. This will increase the risk of fire.”

zoe II pericol incendiu, autolatest, megane IV probleme, zoe baterie pret

O alta problema este cea a lui Megane IV fabricata in Turcia care are probleme de structura de rezistenta, codurile pentru aceasta rechemare sunt e2*2007/46*0546*35 si e2*2007/46*0546*36.

zoe II pericol incendiu, autolatest, megane IV probleme, zoe baterie pret

“A body component (deflector) may not have been properly attached. This will increase the risk of injury to vehicle occupants.”

zoe II pericol incendiu, autolatest, megane IV probleme, zoe baterie pret

Inca o masina electrica a explodat! Un Renault ZOE a distrus garajul/casa unui italian plus un Mercedes Clasa E diesel

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