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Noua Toyota Aygo X 2022 are probleme cu pompa de frana!

Se pare ca noua generatie de modele Toyota Aygo X fabricata in Cehia a intrat in prima serie de rechemari in service pentru versiunile produse chiar in acest an.

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Conform Comisiei Europene noua Toyota Aygo X are probleme cu pompa de frana care nu realizeaza suficienta presiune pentru a frana in siguranta, europenii recomandand celor de la Toyota sa faca rapid un recall pentru a remedia problema.

22SMD-101, aygo x recall 22SMD-101, probleme frane toyota aygo x 2022, autolatest, test drive, review aygo x 2022

Daca conduci o Toyota Aygo X produsa in 2022 ( 30.6.2022 si  22.8.2022) poti merge la orice reprezentanta Toyota si sa ceri rechemare interna 22SMD-101 care trebuie sa fie gratuita.

22SMD-101, aygo x recall 22SMD-101, probleme frane toyota aygo x 2022, autolatest, test drive, review aygo x 2022

The break booster may malfunction, leading to an increased stopping distance, which creates a risk of an accident.


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