Japonia intra in recesiune pentru ca intreaga industrie este lovita serios de lipsa componentelor pentru realizarea de masini.
Primele masini care nu se mai vand din aceasta luna sunt celebrele Toyota Land Cruiser si noile Lexus NS si Lexus LX, masini pentru care Toyota spune ca a suspendat vanzarea pentru ca au un termen de livrare de peste 4 ani.
Adica, pana acum o puteai comanda cu un avans in iunie 2022 si aveai promisiunea ca o primesti in iunie 2026.
Acest termen a fost depasit si uzina a oprit orice comanda, situatie care urmeaza sa loveasca toate uzinele Toyota din lume care se afla in afara Japoniei.
For customers considering Land Cruiser:
Apology for suspension of order
Thank you for considering our vehicle.
Land Cruiser has been very well received not only in Japan but also in other countries around the world, and we are currently suspending orders because we have received orders that greatly exceed our production capacity.
Regarding the resumption of orders, we will inform you again based on the future production situation.
[For customers considering LX / NX]
Apology for suspension of order
Thank you for considering and ordering our vehicle. LX has been very well received not only in Japan but also in other countries around the world, and we are currently suspending orders because we have received orders that greatly exceed our production capacity.
Regarding the resumption of orders, we will inform you again based on the future production situation. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.