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Greva de la Ssangyong continua!

In prezent soarta marcii Sud Coreene este incerta datoita cererilor sindicatului. Mai mult munca la fabrica Ssangyong este oprita datorita ocuparii sale de catre peste 1,000 de muncitori si familiile lor. Greva Ssangyong a inceput in luna aprilie cand sindicatul a primit de stire ca, conducerea va disponibiliza peste 2.500 de muncitori. In prezent Ssangyong a comercializat in Coreea doar 90 de masini in aceasta luna. ENGLEZA: Ssangyong strike continues There is little sign this week of any end to a strike that is crippling Ssangyong.

As the strike drags on, revenue losses are mounting with some observers speculating that liquidation of assets is getting closer. The plant is occupied by a group of about 1,000 people comprised of Ssangyong union members and their families, students and members of the umbrella group Korean Confederation of Trade Unions.

Union workers began partial strikes in April in protest against the bankrupt company’s plans to reduce staff by more than 2,500 and, on 22 May, stepped up the strikes and began an illegal occupation of the Pyeongtaek plant, bringing production to a standstill. Reports in Korea say that just 90 Ssangyong vehicles have been sold in Korea this month and that insufficient inventory means that display models have been put up for sale. The company expects it will be difficult to even sell 100 units this month, even if production lines restart, according to one report. 

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