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Deutsche Bank spune ca masina electrica aduce pierderi masive statului german-Si Romania pierde cu Rabla Plus

De fapt vedem pentru prima data cand o banca centrala din Europa ( adica cea mai mare banca centrala din UE) vine si spune ca masina electrica devine o mare problema pentru statele democratice.

Deutsche Bank studiu masini electrice, probleme masini electrice Deutsche Bank,  vs electric car, statul roman pierde la masinile electrice, electrizare fortata romania, probleme masini electrice, rabla plus pierderi statul roman

Conform celor de la Deutsche Bank un client de VW Golf TDI plateste statului in 12 ani de utilizare suma de 6.500 euro in taxe si accize in timp ce un client de VW ID3 costa statul german suma de 15.500 euro.

Vezi ce zice oficial Deutche Bank despre masinile electrice:

Deutsche Bank studiu masini electrice, probleme masini electrice Deutsche Bank,  vs electric car, statul roman pierde la masinile electrice, electrizare fortata romania, probleme masini electrice, rabla plus pierderi statul roman

“During a lifetime of twelve years, energy taxes on the fuel needed for the Golf TDI will add up to EUR 6,500. The equivalent electricity tax total for the consumption of the ID.3 is only EUR 550. Moreover, the government misses out on income from the carbon levy on each litre of petrol. Over the twelve years of the car’s lifetime and based on our fuel consumption assumptions, the aggregate revenue loss amounts to about EUR 1,600. As petrol is more expensive than electricity, VAT revenues will be lower, too. And finally, the
BEV is partially exempt from vehicle taxes. Lower VAT revenues and vehicle tax
exemptions will each lead to tax revenue losses of c. EUR 1,000.

As a result, the government will lose out on c. EUR 9,500 in tax revenues from energy and electricity taxes, carbon levies, VAT on fuel and vehicle taxes during the cars’ lifetime.

Including the eco bonus, the total fiscal effect amounts to EUR 15,500 for the car’s lifetime or EUR 1,300 per year during this period!”

Deutsche Bank studiu masini electrice, probleme masini electrice Deutsche Bank,  vs electric car, statul roman pierde la masinile electrice, electrizare fortata romania, probleme masini electrice, rabla plus pierderi statul roman

In acest calcul Deutsche Bank tine cont de faptul ca Germania ofera o taxa tip Rabla Plus de peste 7.500 euro plus faptul ca masina electrica are taxe si impozite reale mult mai mici decat cea una conventionala pe benzina si diesel.

Sfatul bancherilor de la Deutsche Bank este ca aceste masini sa plateasca taxe anuale la nivelul celor pe benzina si diesel, iar forma de ajutor tip rabla sa fie scoasa imediat din uz pentru ca favorizarea celor care conduc masini electrice se datoreaza tot productorilor precum VW si Audi care au pornit in 2015 scandalul DieselGate.

Electrizarea pietei auto din Germania nu este o solutie viabila conform Deutsche Bank!

Statul german ajuta industria auto si plateste de la sine 1.000 euro pe tona de CO2 la masinile electrice!

Deutsche Bank studiu masini electrice, probleme masini electrice Deutsche Bank,  vs electric car, statul roman pierde la masinile electrice, electrizare fortata romania, probleme masini electrice, rabla plus pierderi statul roman

“So, according to Deutsche Bank, the Germans have really chosen the most expensive way to fight climate change, which, moreover, is done only on paper. The saving of 1 tonne of CO2 in the automotive sector is thus based on EUR 1,000 , but in the case of emissions trading today, only EUR 50 is paid for the same 1 tonne. ”

Plus ca expertii spun ca incalzirea globala nu prea are nici legatura cu masinile pe benzina sau diesel! “Perhaps it could also tell its listeners that 96.5% of CO2 emissions on our planet are taken care of by nature itself, only 3.5% is human activity. And of these 3.5%, only 5.5% represents the share of passenger transport. ”

Deutsche Bank studiu masini electrice, probleme masini electrice Deutsche Bank,  vs electric car, statul roman pierde la masinile electrice, electrizare fortata romania, probleme masini electrice, rabla plus pierderi statul roman

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