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Conform TUV Report 2022 Dacia, Renault si Fiat au cele mai proaste masini din Germania

Si cand spunem TÜV Report 2022 ne referim la expertiza de sapte decenii a specialistilor germani care verifica anual intrarile in service pentru fiecare model in parte.

Raportul din acest an 2022 scoate in evident in segmentul masini cu 2-3 ani vechime modelel Dacia Logan, Dacia Duster si Renault Kangoo pe primele trei pozitii.

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Acestea sunt urmate de Dacia Dokker si Fiat Tipo cu cele mai multe intrari in service in aceasta perioada scurta.

In perioada 4-5 ani din momentul achizitiei prima pozitie este ocupata de BMW Seria 5 urmata indeaproape de VW Sharan si Dacia Duster/Dacia Dokker.

Raportul TUV a luat in calcul perioada iulie 2020 si iunie 2021, timp in care au fost realizate peste 9.6 milioane de verificari tehnice!

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“The TÜV Report includes all technical inspection results from all TÜV companies in Germany – 9.6 million technical inspections (TIs) from July 2020 to June 2021. In addition to the percentage of failed TIs, it also tracks the average number of kilometres driven. It says nothing about the care and maintenance that owners give to their cars.”

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tuv report 2022, inspectie tuv 2022, dacia tuv raport, probleme tehnice dacia renault, fiat probleme tehnice, autolatest


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