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Un Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition a ajuns sa fie vandut si cu 170.000 euro

Una dintre cele mai dorite masini sport ale anilor 2000 ramane fara doar si poate senzationalul Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition.

Conform ultimei licitarii din UK un asemenea model a fost vandut cu suma de 170.000 euro.

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition, detalii, pret, licitatie Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition, motor, 0-100 km/h, viteza maxima, 100-200 km/h, distributie Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition

Gama Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition a fost lansata pe piata intr-o serie limitata in 10 decembrie 1999, model care avea sub capota un motor 4G62 de doi litri si 280 CP, motor care afisa un cuplu de 373 Nm la 2.750 rpm.

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition, detalii, pret, licitatie Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition, motor, 0-100 km/h, viteza maxima, 100-200 km/h, distributie Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition

Detalii oficiale:

LANCER Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition: Principal Features

Powered by Mitsubishi’s 2.0-liter 16-valve DOHC intercooler/turbocharged unit, the production LANCER Evolution VI sports sedan has been tuned and set up for optimum performance on tarmac and features interior and exterior trim reflecting a WRC motif.

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition, detalii, pret, licitatie Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition, motor, 0-100 km/h, viteza maxima, 100-200 km/h, distributie Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition

Road performance

A high-response titanium turbocharger gives better low-end and mid-range torque, using a smaller, shape-optimized compressor wheel. (Standard on GSR; factory option on RS)

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition, detalii, pret, licitatie Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition, motor, 0-100 km/h, viteza maxima, 100-200 km/h, distributie Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition

The tarmac suspension is tuned to give improved initial response on tarmac surfaces. (Standard on GSR; factory option on RS) Quick-steer gear ratios, standard on the LANCER Evolution VI RS, are also standard on GSR.

A new muffler uses a single large bore circular tailpipe for improved and quieter performance.

The front strut tower bar, standard on the LANCER Evolution VI RS, is also standard on GSR.

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition, detalii, pret, licitatie Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition, motor, 0-100 km/h, viteza maxima, 100-200 km/h, distributie Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen Edition


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