Suedezii au anuntat astazi ca toate masinile Volvo care se vor produce in perioada urmatoare nu vor mai avea nici optional tapiteria de piele naturala.
Acestia spun ca de vina sunt crescatorii de vaci care fac acest lucru in masa, procedeu care arunca in aer milioane de tone de CO2 in timp ce constructorii auto se chinuie sa reduca aceste emisii cu motoarele lor termice.
Acesta este al doilea pas realizat de Volvo care este discutabil, respectiv dupa cel care limiteaza toate masinile sale la o viteza maxima de 180 km/h indiferent de piata unde sunt vandute.
“The decision to stop using leather in new Volvo models was also prompted by concerns about the negative impact of livestock farming on the environment, including deforestation. Livestock is estimated to be responsible for about 14 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions from human activity – the majority of which comes from livestock farming.
Volvo, thinks animals are dirty and therefore no longer supplies leather.”