Renault a anuntat in premiera politica de dezvoltare a marcii pentru urmatorii 4 ani in Europa.
Marca vrea sa revina pe prima pozitie dupa ce modelul ZOE a fost detronat anul trecut de catre VW cu modelele ID3 pe toate pietele din Europa.
Francezii au inceput sa-si retehnologizeze uzinele pentru a atine in 2025 un volum de peste 400.000 de masini 100% elecrice! In prezent Renault produce peste 1.8 milioane de masini anual dintre care doar cateva mii sunt electrice din gama ZOE si ZE.
Acestea sunt fabricile Renault care sunt electrizate:
- Douai
- The plant will produce its first electric vehicle, Mégane E-Vision, from 2021 on the Alliance’s new modular CMF-EV platform
- On the same platform, Douai will be assigned a new C-segment vehicle
- A new electric platform dedicated to the industrialisation of B-segment vehicles will be installed
- Maubeuge
- A pioneer and leader in the electric van segment in Europe for 10 years with Kangoo Electric, the site manufactures New Kangoo, New Kangoo Van for Renault and its partners Mercedes and Nissan and will produce New Kangoo
- E-Tech Electric in 2022
- In addition, the plant will be assigned other variants of New Kangoo
- Ruitz
- The plant will host a new electrical components manufacturing activity