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Peste 18.000 de masini Jeep Cherokee au probleme cu transmisia automata ZF9 9HP48Q construita de FCA/Stellantis

Jeep a anuntat prin intermediul NHTSA USA ca urmeaza sa recheme in service peste 18.800 de modele Cherokee pentru ca au probleme gave cu transmisia automata.

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Este vorba de cutia automata ZF9 construita de FCA/Stellantis in SUA pentru marcile Jeep, Chrylser si Dodge.

Aceasta are probleme cu racitorul uleiului, piesa care se numeste oficial TOC care nu functioneaza conform specificatiei de fabrica, moment in care cutia nu mai are racire si se autodistruge complet.

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Cutia se numeste ZF 9HP48Q si echipeaza si alte modele precum Land Rover sau Honda.

Adica garnitura acestui racitor este conceputa gresit moment in care uleiul cand ajunge la temperatura curge din cutie, adica cutia merge fara ulei si se autodistruge in doar cativa k de utilizare.

Atentie aceasta cutie se monteaza pe toate modelele Jeep vandute si in Romania, adica aceasta rechemare trebuie sa tina cont si de aceste masini din Europa!

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“Some 2021 MY Jeep Cherokee vehicles may have been manufactured with a
Transmission Oil Cooler (“TOC”) hose with incorrectly cured rubber.

The suspect period began on January 19, 2021, when vehicle production with suspect
TOC hoses began, and ended on March 8, 2021, when all suspect TOC hoses were
removed from vehicle production. The suspect population was determined using
vehicle and supplier manufacturing records.

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Transmission fluid leaking from a TOC hose may contact a competent ignition source and lead to a vehicle fire. A vehicle fire may increase the risk of injury to occupants and persons outside of the vehicle, as well as property damage.”

Telefon: 0723.528.323

Adresa: Str. Mehadia, Nr. 39, Crangasi , Sector 6,Bucuresti

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