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Noul Ford Kuga PHEV 2020 poate lua foc chiar in mers! Probleme cu acumulatorii

Specialistii de la CE au descoperit ca sunt modele Ford Kuga PHEV care au probleme cu acumulatorii si sistemul de management al incarcarii motiv pentru care intreg acumulatorul poate sa se aprinda chiar in mers.

Incalzirea excesiva a acumulatorului poate duce la degradarea conductelor de benzina si al rezervorului de benzina, lucru greu de anticipat de un sofer aflat in trafic.

Risk type: Fire

Internal or charging fault could cause the High Voltage (HV) battery pack to vent hot gas. As such gases have not been routed away from other components, they will cause them to exceed their designed working temperatures.

Overheating of components such as the fuel tank and fuel lines will increase the risk of the vehicle catching fire. 


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