Banner-Autolatest-2021 CEED
Banner-Autolatest-2021 CEED
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Interiorul masinilor Land Rover Discovery si Range Rover Mild Hybrid poate lua foc in mers

Este vorba de gama Land Rover Discovery Sport MHEV insa si gama Range Rover Evoque MHEV care pot sa-si dea foc la propriu pasagerilor.

CE a atentionat marca sa retraga de pe piata si sa repare cablajul electric al convertorului montat in compartimentul motor. Surse din cadru CE spun ca un gaz se poate scurge in ventilatia masinii, iar daca acesta intra in habitaclu poate aparea un incendiu chiar si cand masina merge.

“An electrical overload in the 48Volt (V) electrical system may cause a failure of the Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET). This may cause an electrical cascade failure, causing the DCDC convertor to experience an electrical short where the 12V circuit shorts to ground. As a result, smoke from the DCDC converter can be vented into the passenger compartment, and where sufficient oxygen exists, a sustained vehicle fire may occur”.


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